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Career Development 

Location: DeWeese Auditorium from 4-5 pm​
Up Next

Rosa Mirabel​

Sydney Reed

Valerie Hinsch​

First Career Development Seminar:

September 19​ - Dr. Steven Madore, UF ICBR Associate Director for Science and UFHCC Associate Director for Shared Resources

Upcoming Seminars

​October 17 – Dr. Tyler McCullough, Senior Scientist at Life Edit Therapeutics​


November 21 – Dr. Susan D'Costa, Chief Technical and Commercial Officer & Chief Technology Officer at Genezen Laboratories​


Story Collider

A podcast with workshops on scientific storytelling where you can pitch your story to tell it on a virtual show


A compiled list of resources for strengthening a job application


Job listings, including those for Arranta Bio and AGTC


A workshop series organized by graduate students, for graduate students, focused on science communication skills with chapter workshops through the US and Canada

StartGNV Job Board

Job listings, including those for Arranta Bio and AGTC

AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellowship

A 10-week fellowship for science PhD graduates/postdocs to train at radio and television stations, newspapers, and magazines


Job listings, including those for Lacerta Therapeutics and RTI Surgical

Science Writing News Roundup

News, opportunities, resources, videos, advice and events related to science writing and science journalism


Job listings, including those for ThermoFisher, Rapid Genomics, and AavantiBio

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